Indian School of Careers (ISC) will start the first batch in April 2017 and train 2000-3000 AP students over the course of 6 months.
Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Council (APSSDC) will mobilize only final year engineering students. Additionally, ISC will run its own marketing program to intake students from across India to be trained alongside AP students.
The project plan has been prepared to communicate the core objective, working and execution model of the proposed Indian School of Careers (ISC) Non-residential Program to be started in Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with APSSDC.
Interested Parties having experience and capacities in above initiatives and invited to submit their proposals to the following address indicating the initiative for which the proposal is being sent on top of envelope:
(Attention: N. SYAM MOHAN, Sr. Manager –Projects)
Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC)
2nd Floor,
Above APSRTC arrival Block,
NTR Administration Building,
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Bus Terminal
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
To know details of the project of the model ISC, refer the document below.
Last date for submission: 25 March 2017