APSSDC – IBM collaboratively launched Free Learning Portal SKILL BUILD

Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation – APSSDC is happy to collaborate with IBM to offer SkillsBuild platform for candidates from Andhra Pradesh. The platform is developed by IBM in collaboration with  key learning partners for pedagogy and innovative technology: CodeDoor, CoorpAcademy, Credly, MyInnerGenius, SkillSoft etc.

Features: The program offers digital learning platform and open badges, personalized coaching and experiential learning. The following features are present in the platform:
a. Psychometric Analysis
b. Learning Paths and Learning channels – for lifelong learning
c. Professional Skills like collaborating effectively, interpersonal skills, problem solving etc.
d. Essential Skills
e. In Module Assessments
f. Skill based – module based badges – will LinkedIn linkage
g. Live Projects
h. Coaching collaborations
i. Job Market Place (under development)

Refer SkillReporter (www.SkillReporter.com) for skill development and The Edupress (www.TheEduPress.com ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin

I. Learning paths: Trainees can choose from three learning paths:
a. Digital Foundation: It covers professional and essential digital skills, which are relevant to everyone working in today’s world – Agile methodologies, Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud computing, Cognitive technology, Data and analytics, Design thinking, Internet of Things, Security.
b. Junior Web Developer: This technical path will be delivered in collaboration with CodeDoor. Students will learn the essential of core web development
c. Customer Service representative: Those who are interested in pursuing a non technical career in technology can acquire customer service and support skills, such as how to research, solve complex problems and manage their time.

II. Live Projects: The live projects platform is very unique and allows the candidates to surf through existing projects available throughout the world on the platform and collaborate to execute the project. The candidates skill badges will be the requisites for the respective projects. The candidates can also create their own projects and invite people from across  the world for collaboration.

Eligibility: Any Degree qualification.


• Candidates register in the link provided in APSSDC portal. You may also refer to the bottom of the page.
• Candidates would be assessed for seriousness.
• IBM would provide logins to these candidates via email.
• Candidates would be required to activate the logins provided in the email.
• Candidates choose from three learning paths
• Candidates should watch demo videos of the platform to get better understanding on usage of the platform
• The course consumption would be monitored by APSSDC through dash boards.
• Two common modules for every course are Working in a Digital World – Professional Skills and Working in a Digital World – Essential Skills. Apart from these, core modules related to the learning path/ course chosen should be completed.
• Each module is divided into various topics/ lessons. The topics/ lessons are delivered through various videos, text material, practice activities and assessments/ examination.
• After successful completion of the assessment/ examination for each module, candidates earn skill badges related to the module.
• Apart from this, candidates need to complete end assessment/ examination for receiving the final certificate.

For complete details like course content, awards and certifications gained after completion of course, refer official notification. Click here to see notification.

Refer SkillReporter (www.SkillReporter.com) for skill development and The Edupress (www.TheEduPress.com ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin