JKEDI and Techible Launch Programme to Foster Skill Development in Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar : In a significant move towards fostering entrepreneurship and skill development in Jammu and Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI) has partnered with Techible, an innovative startup. This collaboration, formalized by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), aims to invigorate the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Union Territory.

The cornerstone of this partnership is the introduction of the Summer School Internship Programme, designed to provide high-quality internship and training opportunities to students across Jammu and Kashmir. The programme will operate from two centers in Jammu and Srinagar, catering to both school and college students. Its primary objective is to foster intellectual growth, skill development, and industry exposure in various domains, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science, Web and App Development, IoT and Drones, CAD Modelling, and freelancing skills.

Rajinder Sharma, Director of JKEDI, expressed his optimism regarding the collaboration, highlighting its potential to address unemployment challenges by providing students with valuable internship experiences. He stated, “I believe this MoU will not only benefit the institute but also contribute to the overall development of the union territory.”

The programme will offer training, along with competitions and hackathons featuring prizes totaling over Rs. One Lakh. These events aim to provide enrolled students with a platform to showcase their problem-solving skills and innovative ideas.

Techible, founded by Parmveer Nandal, an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu, will play a pivotal role in implementing the program alongside JKEDI. Nandal expressed his commitment to providing interns with a comprehensive program structure that includes theoretical instruction, hands-on training, and mentorship. He emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary learning and refining capabilities in chosen fields.

Participants in the programme will benefit from exposure to generative AI tools, guidance on curriculum vitae building, and access to placement assistance to enhance their career prospects.

Through this partnership, JKEDI and Techible aim to empower the youth of Jammu and Kashmir, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the rapidly evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and technology.