Thiruvanathapuram : Kerala governor P Sathasivam here on Friday stressed the need for the state education sector giving more thrust to skill development among students. He was inaugurating an International conclave on skills, engineering and technology, organized by the Information and Communication Technology Academy of Kerala.
The governor who is also the chancellor of state universities said the industry leaders should also indulge in an introspection to see whether they were able to convince the academia about the need for including skill development in course curriculum. “It is true that, to be more effective, education should combine the application of knowledge at practical levels so that graduates do not have to wait for long to be declared really employable. But, we cannot blame the education sector alone for the skill gap.
The leaders of the industry must also introspect whether they have been able to convince the educators about their needs. There could be many in the education sector who fear that too much of emphasis on equipping students for the I.T. Enabled services , would result in a mass production of ‘techno-clerks’ and a dilution of higher education”. He also stressed the need for imparting skills in managing one’s professional and personal life. This has to begin with awareness about choosing the right company to work. Many bright youngsters who enter the high-tech scene become disappointed due to stressful working conditions, discrimination, inadequate pay and lack of job security. To avoid such issues, students must be informed about the terms of service in the companies which may recruit them. At least, they should be made aware of the service benefits which they would be entitled to, he said.
“Our personal life also depends on our professional life. Disappointment at the workplace often leads to tension at home. Besides, earning a good salary may not always equip a person with the maturity to maintain emotional balance at home. Therefore, matters like stress management, financial management and above all, the awareness about how to handle one’s family life should also become topics in such training sessions. We must remember that happiness at home will certainly improve an employee’s productivity at work”, he added.
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.