World Bank will help Central govt to upgrade 400 ITIs across the country

Government has joined hands with the World Bank to upgrade 400 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) across the country, Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday.

Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship said the collaboration with the World Bank under the Vocational Training Improvement Project (VTIP) was for up-gradation of 400 government ITIs in 34 states and union territories.

“The fund sharing under the project is in the ratio of 75:25 (90:10 for Northeastern States) between the central and state governments with the World Bank assistance of $280 million,” he said during Question Hour. Rudy said additionally, an amount of Rs 2-3.5 crore was allocated under VTIP for improvement of ITIs on the basis of the Institutional Development Plan submitted by the ITIs. During implementation of the project, funds were also reallocated between ITIs within overall allocation to respective states.

“Besides, additional fund of Rs 1 crore to Rs 1.5 crore has also been allocated to the project ITIs based on their action plan. Under the project Rs 1,739 crore has been allocated to the states/union territories against which Rs 1,486 crore has been utilized till December 2015,” he said.

The Minister said to associate industry sector under the project, Institute Management Committee has been constituted at ITI level with the chairmanship from the industry. Rudy said there are two other projects which have been approved by the screening committee of Department of Economic Affairs for assistance from the World Bank.

“Skill Training for Employ-ability Leveraging Public Private Partnership with the proposed assistance of One billion dollar from World Bank and skill strengthening for industries value enhancement with an estimated cost of $537.50 million to be shared by World Bank and the government on 50:50 basis,” he said.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference to the information provided at leading e-news portals.