EOI Invited For Empanelment of Training Partners under FoSTaC Program

Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) is a large-scale training and capacity building programme for the food business operators. The program was initiated by FSSAI aimed at creating a pool of food safety supervisors (FSS), who are trained in good hygiene and manufacturing practices as per requirements in Schedule 4 of Food Safety and Standards Licensing and Registration Regulations, 2011. FSSAI intends to invite Training Partners through EOI tender under Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) Program

In pursuance of Section 16 (3)(h) of the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has to provide training programmes in Food Safety and Standards for persons (whether within or outside their area) who are or intend to become involved in food businesses, whether as food business operators or employees or otherwise. In this regard, FSSAI had initiated the largest Food Safety Training & Certification (FoSTaC) programme in July, 2017. 

To help FBOs understand and compliance with hygiene and sanitary requirements, the Schedule 4 of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 has been simplified to deliver training through 24 certification courses developed by a panel of domain experts empaneled by FSSAI covering the entire food value chain.

So far a more than 21 lakh food safety supervisors have been trained in over 56,295 trainings throughout the country after the initiation of the FoSTaC program in 2017. Organic growth of training capacity under FoSTaC program shows that there is demand for these kinds of training courses. Development of such a large training capacity in the country under FoSTaC program is evidence to the fact that country is undergoing major transformation as far as food safety is concerned. FoSTaC trainings are expected to bring in a culture of self-compliance on food safety measures amongst the food business and raise the bar for food safety and hygiene in the country.

The idea behind this EoI is to empanel more number of experienced Training providing entities, so that FoSTaC program can amplify in a systematic manner.

Scope Of Work

FSSAI has launched FoSTaC program to enhance the availability of skilled/ trained manpower in the food industry; To Create an improved environment of self-compliance to FSS Act, Rules & Regulations by the responsible Food Businesses and to bring a behavioral change and inculcate a culture of Food safety in the country. In this connection, FSSAI is looking forward to identify and empanel more Training Partners for organising trainings under FoSTaC program on behalf of FSSAI.

The Empaneled training partner will be required to organise training of Food Handlers as per the training curriculum of FSSAI in different parts of the country in a pragmatic manner.

Mode of Submission: Online

Last Date For Submission: 30 January 2025