RFPs invited for selection of PMU under SAMARTH Scheme for Capacity Building

The Ministry of Textiles proposes to engage an agency to take over the ongoing functions of the existing Project Management Unit (PMU) in the conceptualization, commissioning, and monitoring of the training program under the scheme. The selection of the agency through this RFP will be on a provisional basis and the award of the contract to the selected agency will be subject to the approval of the competent authority. The agency will have to take over the ongoing activities from the outgoing agency about SAMARTH & ISDS (the previous version of the Scheme), ensure complete knowledge and data transfer from the outgoing agency to perform the functions of PMU for the scheme which includes the following tasks:

Management of Scheme

  1. Setting up the PMU and deploying resources centrally as per the pattern approved by Ministry. PMU will be solely responsible for info executing the scheme implementation as per the direction of the Ministry.
  2. Taking over existing activities in the implementation of “Samarth” along with the control of a centralized web-based Management Information System on as is what is basis.
  3. Any work related to aligning the scheme with the broad policy framework of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship including the National Skill Qualification Framework and Common Norms.
  4. Empaneling or Implementing Partners under the scheme and framing an action plan for implementing a new scheme that government may decide further.
  5. Evaluating the institutional capacity of training partners to allocate training targets, based on the ports of the Physical verification agency and other prescribed parameters.
  6. Designing formats for management and monitoring standpoint such as Detailed Training Proposal (DTP), MoU/ Agreements/ notices/ Reports/ communications, wherever required, for any activity relating to the implementation of the scheme.
  7. Evaluation and analysis of the project reports of Implementing Partners such as DTP Evaluation, Funds release request of subsequent installments, fund withdrawal request, closure proposals, and any other task under “SAMARTH” as per the direction of Ministry from time to time.
  8. Close monitoring of head-disease fund utilization by Implementing Partners vis-à-vis progress of the training program and detailed evaluation of proposal for fund releases including scrutiny of Utilization Certificates.
  9.  Budget proposals, wherever required as per the direction n of the Ministry.
  10.  Drafting of Reports/ PowerPoint Presentation and generating data of various forms/kinds as per the requirement of the Ministry from time to time
  11. Close coordination with all stakeholders under the scheme and MSDE, SSCs, other government departments, etc.
  12. Any other task/assignments in connection n with the implementation of “SAMARTH”.
  13. Recalibration of financial / quality/ content/ format norms by the Government of India orders and the instructions issued from time to time.

Monitoring of the Scheme

  1.  Design parameters and framework to assess the progress and performance of the training program as per the approval of the Ministry including enrolment, training, ng, evaluation and progress.
  2.  Data analysis of the training parameters for assessing the progress and quality of implementation of the scheme including training, assessment, certification, and placement and to suggest/recommend improvements in rectifying the shortfalls for better management of the scheme implementation.
  3. Deploy resources as appropriate to evaluate implementation agencies through field-level visits as per the direction of Ministry from time to time.
  4.  Monitor the report of placements and placement tracking report of skilled trainees submitted by the Implementing Partners and verify the genuineness of claims of placements
  5.  Designing incentives and penalties to be specified to the Implementing Partners for ensuring proper implementation & success of the projects.
  6.  Formulating and submitting the Monthly / Quarterly Progress Report of the Scheme
  7. Defining the audit and monitoring mechanism, Design strategy/ methodologies for preventing misuse/miss-utilization of funds allotted to Implementing Partners.
  8.  Any other activities/task in connection with implementation of scheme

Deliverable of the PMU

  • The PMU team shall be in place immediately upon awarding of the contract.
  • The agency to take over the functions of PMU along with the control of a centralized web-based MIS portal and on-going activities from the outgoing agency immediately upon award of the contract.
  • The agency will deliver all the work as mentioned in time bound manner without any deviation.
  • The agency will deploy key personnel as mentioned in para-2.5 (refer document below)
  • The agency will submit a consolidated and key personnel-wise monthly achievement report at the end of every month.
  • List of the deliverables is not exhaustive and some more milestones may be included with mutual consent based on experiences during the implementation period.

Last date for submission: 02 March 2023, 05:00 PM