NSDC invites RFP for skill training under PMKVY 4.0 Special Projects

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) invites RFP proposals from the organizations which meet the eligibility for implementation of “PMKVY4.0 (2023-24)-Special Projects” scheme to train candidates as per the guidelines in existing NSQF aligned courses or special customized courses developed specially for the Special Projects.


The objectives of Special Projects are:

  1. To undertake project-based skilling interventions, primarily to meet the skilling needs of marginalized or vulnerable groups (to mean hereafter such as Scheduled Castes and Tribes, transgender, persons with disabilities, any other category which identifies as marginalized/ vulnerable and is so considered/recognized by Government of India) and those of difficult/remote geographies, hard to reach areas (such as LWE, aspirational districts, J&K, Border districts, Ladakh, North East states, Island territories) which may not meet all the parameters of a Standardized training program due to special circumstances.
  2. Special Projects also envisage of covering short-term skilling initiatives undertaken by reputed industry bodies offering captive placements opportunities; projects with innovative strategies; projects offering local livelihood through creative market-linked entrepreneurship, and/or projects assuring international placements.
  3. Special Projects, due to the rapid changes in the future work environment, intend to promote training in Future Skills, as identified by NCVET.
  4. By its very intent, the projects falling under the Special Projects of PMKVY 2023-24 are required to be dynamic, innovative in approach and need to go beyond the routine short-term skilling to enhance the all-round competency and adeptness to the marginalized sections of the country. Partial allocation under PMKVY 4.0 (2023-24) Special Projects is proposed to be done through Request for Proposal (RFP).

Types of Organizations that can apply:

Further, only those organizations which meet the following conditions should respond to the RFP:

  • Industry organizations/Industry associations including MSME/International Placement/Training Organization: Corporate, Industry bodies, and associations, and MSME aggregating demand from industry/industry clusters with assurance of providing at least 75% captive placement/placement.
  • Community-Based Organization (CBOs): These are organizations which are engaged in development of community through skill development and have made significant contributions in income generation/enhancement, micro-entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, wage employment, and have been nationally and internationally recognized.
  • Start Ups:These are organizations which are registered with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) as start ups.

Mode for submission: ONLINE

Revised date for submission: 11 December 2023