To amplify the impetus on making India the skill capital of the world, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), the Government of India, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation on the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (hereafter referred to as “The Government of Japan’).
The MoC was signed on October 17, 2017 and aims to transform India’s skill ecosystem by sending and accepting technical interns from India to Japan, thereby enabling Indian industries to imbibe the best practices of Japanese industries. Under TITP, the empaneled Sending Organizations (hereafter referred to as ‘SOs’) aggregate technical intern demand in Japan, identify suitable candidates in India, train them in Japanese Language, Japanese lifestyle, culture, etiquettes, and relevant domain training before getting placed in Japan. After completion of TITP program, the candidates may return to India and utilize the skills acquired by them in Japan. In January 2018, the MSDE appointed NSDC to monitor TITP.
As of the release of this RFP, there are 34 empaneled SOs and NSDC is desirous of empaneling more suitable entities as SOs under TITP. Given this, NSDC invites Proposals through this RFP for the empanelment of SOs in India for TITP.
Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of SOs are provided in the TITP Guidelines. It is recommended that the Applicants read the Guidelines available on NSDC website and the draft version of the Contract, before applying to this RFP to gain a thorough understanding of TITP.
It will be mandatory for the SOs to comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract and the TITP Guidelines, which NSDC may amend from time to time. At any given point in time, the TITP Guidelines shall supersede the terms of RFP, Contract and /or all other policies, guidelines, and communication related to TITP.
Last Date for Submission: 31 December 2023
Submission Process: Applicants should submit their Proposals in soft copy only to NSDC via email to cc to The email must contain Applicant’s name, contact person phone number, official address, with the subject line, ‘CONFIDENTIAL – Proposal for the empanelment of TITP SO’.
NSDC may, at its discretion, request the Applicant for providing additional documents for seeking clarity, if any, at any stage during the evaluation of the Proposal submitted by the Applicant.
For any clarifications and more details, the Applicant may connect at the below-mentioned address:
Mr. Anshul Singhal,
National Skill Development Corporation,
301, West Wing, Worldmark-1, Aerocity, New Delhi – 110037