UNESCO invites RFP for monitoring and evaluation for BILT in TVET Phase 3.2

Project Background:

Project background, objectives and outputs to date The BILT Project is implemented by UNESCO-UNEVOC with the support of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). BILT is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). In 2022, the BILT Project entered its 3rd phase, which will continue until 2025.

The purpose of the BILT project is to support TVET institutions in three geographical regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific and Europe. Support takes the form of enabling and facilitating contacts across the three regions (bridging), providing opportunities to report on innovations and generating new knowledge and learning in TVET.

Phases 1 and 2 of the BILT project focused on setting up the project and identifying important TVET themes upon which to base work. The identification, integration and implementation of new qualifications and competencies (NQCs) has been a primary thematic focus. Within this theme, specific attention has also been given to policy responses and practical examples of how the dual transition of greening and digitalization is impacting TVET. Other focus themes of the project include migration and entrepreneurship. The project themes are addressed through multiple stakeholder lens (macro, meso and micro).

The primary outputs of the BILT project are classified into three lines:

  • Bridging: activities include regional/global conferences and workshops;
  • Innovation: knowledge products on the BILT themes and ad hoc case studies on Innovation and Learning Practices (ILP); and
  • Learning: a peer-learning webinar series (Learning Labs) and a self-assessment tool for TVET
    providers on NQCs.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the BILT project

The BILT project has undergone an evaluation of Phases 1 and 2 (according to OECD-DAC criteria). Given the extended period for Phase 3 (4-years), a regular and routine M&E role is required and has been in place since 2022. The architecture of the BILT project includes a logical framework with impact, outcome and output indicators (both quantitative and qualitative) and annual targets. To give an idea of the size and scope of the BILT project, Annex C provides an overview of project milestones, activities and outputs. The working language of the project is English (some project activities have taken place with French translation).

Objectives, Outputs and Tasks under this assignment

UNESCO-UNEVOC is engaging a contractor to support the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the BILT project. The assignment includes monitoring, evaluating and providing recommendations on the progress of the BILT project (Phase 3) on a half-yearly basis in line with the project objectives, results framework and M&E toolkit. The results of the M&E will feed into the regular reporting to the donor as well as UNESCO

Tasks and outputs for 2024:

  1. Assessment of the existing Phase 3 project log frame and indicators.
  2. Review of project documentation to date (especially the evaluation of Phases 1 and 2, as well as monitoring reports of 2022 and 2023; current monitoring plan)
  3. Update of the Monitoring plan, based on the log frame and project description; review and up date of data collection and analysis methods:
    1. Update of the existing methodology to measure the progress in each indicator target and according to the 3 lines of the BILT project (Bridging, Innovation and Learning), as necessary;
    2. Update / adapt the data collection method for each quantitative and qualitative indicator which are monitorable within the team, as necessary;
    3. An online presentation to the BILT team on the updated monitoring plan
  4. Two biannual reports, one for semester 1 (January 2024 – June 2024) and one for semester 2 (July 2024 – November 2024), including one round of revision by the BILT project team.
    1. Gather and clean indicator specific data received from the BILT project team in a prescribed format;
    2. Analyze data as per the BILT Results Framework and M&E Toolkit;
    3. Prepare and submit biannual M&E reports;
    4. Diagnose achievements, gaps and recommendations for the project on an annual basis.

Tasks and outputs for 2025

  1. Two biannual reports, one for semester 1 (January 2025 – June 2025) and one for semester 2 (July 2025 – November 2025), including one round of revision by the BILT project team.
    1. Gather and clean indicator specific data received from BILT project team in prescribed
    2. Analyze data as per the BILT Results Framework and M&E Toolkit;
    3. Prepare and submit biannual M&E reports;
    4. Diagnose achievements, gaps and recommendations for the project on an annual basis

As with all monitoring work, these activities and outputs should respect the following principles:

  • Be proportionate to available project resources (staff capacity/capability, time and budgets); and
  • Respectful of data protection, confidentiality and anonymity requirements balanced with a stakeholder participatory approach (including a gender and regional balance of views).

Eligibility Criteria

UNESCO-UNEVOC is seeking a contractor to undertake these tasks. The contractor should include the following qualifications and skills:

  1. A university-level degree or post-graduate degree in the fields of education, social sciences, public or business administration and management and related fields.
  2. At least 5 years of continuous experience in monitoring and evaluation.
  3. Experience in mixed methods of data collection and analysis (including the use of appropriate technology to facilitate remote data collection).
  4. Excellent communication skills in English (both written and oral).
  5. Knowledge of the TVET context and policy trends (as related to the BILT project themes)
  6. Knowledge of the role of the UN and its programmes.

Last Date for Submission: 19 April 2024