Why the world needs a review system for training institutions?

How would you choose a course, college or training institute that you would like to study at? In most cases, individuals will make a list of courses and educational institutions; depending maybe on Google’s search results or recommendations provided by well wishers who have heard rumors or seen flashy advertising campaigns – and start applying to them based on a series of unverified facts and statistics.

Of course, there are institutions that live up to its claim, but generally speaking, such ill-informed decisions can have serious consequences like:

  • Poor quality of education, outdated curriculum and training methods
  • Lack of industry-relevant training and skills
  • Unaccredited and unrecognized certifications or diplomas

You would certainly like to avoid these outcomes because learning new skills the right way (irrespective of whether you are a fresher or experienced candidate) is critical towards landing and succeeding at the jobs of the future. So in this blog, let us look at how a reviewal system could benefit and create a sense of harmony between educational institutions, technical experts and recruiters.

An accessible reviewal system

If an individual can access independent reviews of quality standards of educational institutes, courses or curriculum they can understand the competency of the institute towards training students across niche skills. Knowing about things like the training methodologies employed or the projects they will get to work on, will allow the candidates to be more aware and make well-informed decisions. In turn, this could result in increasing the talent pool of skilled workers in the professional world.

Keeping in line with this vision, Certif-ID is leveling the playing field and presenting new means to challenge the existing approaches to education and employment.

  • Certif-ID’s block chain-powered platform provides trust and transparency to all stakeholders.
  • It allows individuals to connect with educational institutions/recruiters directly and have conversations.
  • With the help of independent third-party organisations, we review, assess and rate their current position based on multiple criteria, including the quality of courses, training activities and delivery systems.
  • Through the platform, educational institutions, as well as companies, can issue candidates with digital certificates after completing a course.
  • Anchored in block chain, a certificate has an unalterable link with a graduate’s academic achievements and the corresponding credentials. Thereby authenticating its contents, the process by which the digital certificate was issued and the identity of the candidate.

Breaking down the barriers of boundaries

The adoption of Industry 4.0 will create new jobs with the skills required in emerging technologies. To meet the skill demand of future jobs, training institutes are offering courses in areas including data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence and more.

A review system – in alliance with widespread propagation of 4G/5G technology (faster broadband systems) – will help individuals across the globe to consider an institute or course and decide upon upskilling themselves.

I welcome you to meet with our experts and find out more about us and how the platform can help you gain more
visibility across the education and professional landscapes, drop us a line here.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the author, Rakshit Manga, Sales Director, Certif-ID. The matter and intent of this article has not been edited by skillreporter.com. SkillReporter shall not be responsible for any damage if caused to any person/organization directly or indirectly.)