Education and skill training is the key to employment: Rudy

Union Minister of Skill Development Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy said, on Friday, that skill training needs to be brought back to schools to overcome the unemployment issue in the country.

At a conference of Women in Aviation (WIA), the minister said: “The education system in India has had bias towards the skills. Education and training of skills is the key to the employment.” Asking more youth to opt for careers in the civil aviation sector, he said: “We need to bring more and more youths, especially girls, into this sector. Not only air hostesses or pilots, but there is a scope of jobs in the technical area as well.” Rudy himself hold a commercial pilot’s flying licence and so he said, “Sky is the limit for those who opt for careers in aviation. It is a skill and remains with you forever like mine”. Mentioning the societal pressure that women face to join aviation, he said the country has changed now.

“India is now a country where families offer support to women in any sector where duties are difficult. Aviation is a sector where women participation is always needed,” he added. The minister also said there would be a “revolution” in the skill development in next two years.

Radha Bhatia, the chairperson of the WIA, while inaugurating the conference, said: “We need to empower women in every sector. Aviation is not only a glorious field but it requires a lot of skill as well.” “With Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Make In India, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative, we will overcome all shackles,” she added.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference to the information provided at leading e-news portal.