Mumbai : Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (Umed) for its 2nd phase of training projects, signed Memorandum of Association with 28 agencies including 4 government bodies of repute. On June 26th, Smt. R.Vimala, IAS, CEO, MSRLM allocated training target of 23,579 through signing MoUs with 23 agencies including 19 Project implementing agencies and 4 Government Agencies. 5 MoUs were signed earlier this month as a part of the project. The total target allotted during the phase is 32,773 for next three years.
Out of 24 agencies, three are implementing project under Sagarmala, a project in convergence with DDUGKY which is wholly funded by Ministry of Shipping for training youth of Costal belt of Maharashtra. The decision is taken in a Project Approval Committee meeting under the chairmanship of Hon. Secretary RDD, GoM in dialogue with CEO, MSRLM on 22nd June, 2017.
Maharashtra State Rural Livelihood Mission (Umed) has initiated the process of Placement linked Training Programme in Maharashtra under the Flagship programme of Ministry of Rural Development – Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY). The project is being implemented since 2016 for the training and placement of 58335 rural youth for which 27 implementing agencies were allotted target in first phase. The agencies have placed 10225 candidates in sectors like Retail, Security, Hospitality, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Medical, Construction etc. and placing them in reputed companies. Candidates placed through training and direct placement in the year 2016-17 across 34 districts of Maharashtra.
Shri. Randhir Sowanshi, Deputy Director, Non-Intensive and Shri. George Bernard Shaw, State Mission Manager, Shri Vishal Jadav, Mission Manager along with Trapti, Ajay, Sagar, Pankaj from NABCONS Technical Support Team were also present during this signing of MoU at MSRLM Office, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai.