Important News: Agriculture Skill Council of India becomes the best sector skill council

asciAt the 2nd ASSOCHAM Skills Summit held recently, Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) has won the Best Sector Skill Council Award. This award was instituted by ASSOCHAM to acknowledge the Indian Sector Skill Councils(SSCs) which have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the skills agenda which is one of the most important challenges India is facing today.

The award was conferred at the opening ceremony of the summit by Rajiv Pratap Rudy, minister of state for skill development and entrepreneurship (independent charge) to Dr S S Arya, CEO, Agriculture Sector Skill Council.

Dr Arya acknowledged the award and said “We are humbled to have received this award. This is a huge encouragement for us and motivation for us to do even better as we proceed towards achieving our goal of making India the skill capital of the world. With the increase in investments in the rural and agriculture sector, skill will play a crucial role in trans
forming the lives of the Indian farmer”.

The award is in recognition of the skill council that has supported the development of standards for vocational skills, facilitated  flagship skill development programmes, introduction of vocational courses at school, college and university level both in cities and in rural areas and in  both basic and advanced levels of training.

Through its robust model and partnerships, ASCI aims to bridge skills gaps across agriculture sector and supplement the nation’s economic growth rate flawlessly.

With agriculture contributing to the livelihood of more than 50 per cent of manpower in the country, ASCI is not only making a substantial impact on the skill development for them but also geared up towards making a significant and lasting impact on various other stakeholders and the economy through driving national agenda of skill development in agriculture. ASCI is making all efforts to prepare India’s manpower especially in rural areas facing the challenges of transforming Indian agriculture.

ASCI has taken this responsibility upon itself through developing the skills of the country’s manpower in emerging areas of agriculture viz. farm mechanization, precision farming, agriculture information management, dairy farm management, poultry farm management, fisheries, post-harvest supply chain management, agro forestry, watershed management and other allied sectors. So far ASCI has standardized more than 50 job roles through 366 national occupational standards.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference to the information available in e-news portals.