Notice: Closure of Assessments under PMKVY 3.0

Dear Stakeholders,

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0 has to be closed as all training on ground was completed by December 31, 2022. During January 2023 we tried to close all assessments. However, despite several follow-ups, some partners have not completed their assessments and reassessments. We are opening the last window until February 15, 2023, for you to complete the pending activities.

All stakeholders are requested to take stock of their batches and ensure the completion of assessments/ reassessments/ uploading of results of all pending batches on the Skill India Portal (SIP) by 15th February 2023. In case of failure to conduct the assessment within the stipulated timeline would remove the batches from the assessment pendency, and the respective candidates shall be marked as Not Appeared on SIP.

Issued with the approval of the competent authority.
National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC)