Mizoram State Rural Livelihoods Mission through its memo No.: B.12020/1/2017-MzSRLM (DDU-GKY) has announced that “The last date for extension of Project Proposal under Deen Dayal Updhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), Mizoram has been extended to 29th February, 2020”. Interested agencies may submit their proposals online at https://erp.ddugky.info as per the format prescribed by MoRD along with the application fee of Rs. 25,000/- to be paid to the following bank account.
Name of the bank : Mizoram Rural Bank
Name of the account : MZSRLM TSA
Account Number : 97008205738
Branch Address : Ramhlun RoanChanmari, Aizawl
Preference will be given to the agencies that shall provide Captive Employment. Proposed training shall be fully residential in Mizoram. Project duration should be of a maximum of 3 years. As per the targets with states at present, PIA should submit the proposal for a span of 3,6,9 and 12 months.
Since the following trades are already sanctioned for Mizoram State, PIA need not apply for :
Airline Cabin Crew, General Duty Assistant, Domestic Data Entry Operator, House Keeping / Manual Cleaning, LMV-Driver, Electrician / Fitter, Tailoring, Domestic Worker, Baking Technician, Trainee Chef (Cooking), Retail Sales Associate, PCB Assembly Operator (Mobile Assembly) and F&B Service.
For any further clarification, please email your queries to ddugkymizoram@gmail.com
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