Chennai: In a bid to boost the logistics sector and its potential in Tamil Nadu, city-based Maersk Training has entered into an agreement with the CII-backed Logistics Skills Council (LSC) to train workers and provide skill development. Maersk Training will develop and deliver courses on topics such as handling dangerous goods and documentation in shipping. “We will be taking training sessions within the ambit of ‘recognition of prior learning (RPL)’ i.e. skilling, assessing and certifying existing workforce in the logistics sector,” said Satya Mitra Bagga, director, Maersk Training, a part of Danish conglomerate AP Moller Maersk. The LSC has given a target of 10,000 people and Maersk Training is in the process of reaching out to the industry to conduct in-house and external training programs which will be of short duration.
Captain Ramanujam, CEO, LSC said, “The focus of the government is generation of employment and we are the apex body that creates national occupancy standards. The industry has been crying hoarse for skilled talent.”
Maersk Training, set up as an in-house training centre for international container shipping company Maersk Line, was identified as a separate line of business in 2009. With India seen as a maritime hub, Maersk Training sees immense opportunity in various sectors including oil and gas, logistics and the shipping industry. “While the large players are more or less aware and give importance to safety, there are numerous small players who are yet to realize the need to have a well trained staff,” said Bagga.
With courses covering topics such as surviving piracy and arms dropping, handling HAZMAT or dangerous goods, high pressure high temperature drilling, Maersk Training enables almost 1,500 people per year to be equipped with the right skills. “Companies have realized that it is too costly to have an accident on an oil rig or a ship. Safety is becoming a significant part of all business decisions and this is where we come in,” he said.
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference to the information provided at online news portals.