Housing schemes, skill development training for transgender people in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram : Finance minister Thomas Issac has declared housing scheme and skill upgradation training programmes for transgender members in the state. It comes after the announcement of welfare schemes for transgender members in the state budget, such as pension to elder members of the transgender community and special benefits for transgender students presented by the finance minister.

“Welfare schemes for transgender members were included in the election manifesto of Left Democratic Front, which was not much noticed. It led me to include the welfare schemes of transgender members in the state budget. Now I have realized that more is to be done and government take more steps in this regard,” said Issac, while inaugurating a screening of documentary on transgenders held at Press Club recently.

The transgender members in the state will be included among the beneficiaries of EMS Hosing project of the government. Finance Corporation (KFC) will provide training in skill upgradation of transgender members in the state.

Speaking about the new scheme, he added, “The housing project will benefit those who have to leave their houses and the training programme will help to find a source of income. These people should be able to earn a living like other people in the society. Kerala Finance Corporation will also provide loan on subsidy to their venture.”

He also mentioned about the incident of police brutality against transgender members in Kochi and also spoke about the need of awareness on the issues among the policy makers.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.