Entrepreneurship becomes integral part of skill course

Chennai: After 10 years, Women’s Christian College has reintroduced a skill development program aimed at exposing final-year undergraduate students to traditional arts and nurturing entrepreneurial skills within them.

Engaged in their creative pursuits, students sat on the floor, deeply immersed in their artistic endeavors. During the session on Friday, their task involved painting Cleopatra onto a fabric.

This program has a clear objective to equip students with practical skills that can empower them to explore entrepreneurship and career avenues within the vibrant creative industry.

College principal Lilian Jasper said, “In a world where modernization often threatens to overshadow traditional art forms, we want to introduce young people to such courses to focus on areas beyond their academic subjects.” She further said, she will continue to organise the course for all the students in the future along with mentorship from entrepreneurs and experienced artists.

One of the mentors of the programme said traditional arts is often sidelined in the current curriculum. “The focus on technical and theoretical subjects leaves no room for exploring artistic creativity and neglecting traditional arts will disconnect young people from their history,” Narmada said.

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