4000 Crores to be spent on upgradation 150 ITIs in Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh has received a significant amount of investment proposals of Rs. 33.5 lakh crores during the recent Global Investors Summit, which could generate around 90 lakhs of jobs for its residents. As a result of which, the upgradation of 150 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIS) is on the cards to provide skill training to youths.

The proposal to upgrade ITIs was passed in November 2022 and the work will be undertaken by Tata Technology Ltd.

Tata Group is expected to spend around Rs 4,000 crore on the project while the state government’s share is pegged at Rs 1,190 crore. A memorandum of agreement will soon be signed between the state government and TTL

The upgradation of institutes will include new construction and arrangement of automatic machines and tools. Once the project is complete, each institute will provide training in 11 new trades and 23 short-term courses.

“ITIs will work to hone the skills of youths according to the requirements of the growing job market in the state. Currently, 305 ITIs are functional in the state under the department of vocational education and skill development which provides training in 72 types of skills. Besides upgrading the institutes with equipment, the government is also working on innovative courses to equip students with relevant skills for local, national, and global job markets,” a government spokesperson said.

He said that Tata Technology Ltd (TTL) has submitted a proposal to the department of vocational education and skill development and the company will operate training and new courses of long and short duration, based on the modernization of sectors and trades “TTL will install modern machines, equipment and plants in 150 ITIs,” he said.

Deputy director, of Skill Development Mission, Rajeev Yadav said, “A provision has been made in the MOA for the state government to bear 13% of the expenditure to be incurred for upgradation while TTL will bear 87% of the cost.”