MSSDS invites Expression of Interest from training providers under PMKUVA

The Maharashtra State Skill Development Society (MSSDS) has set a vision of equipping 45 million youth with employable skills by the year 2022.

To fulfil the Skill Development mission in the State of Maharashtra Maharashtra State Skill Development Society (MSSDS) has been registered on 15th February 2011 under the Societies Registration Act 1860. The Society is established as a Nodal Agency for planning, coordination execution and monitoring of Skill development initiatives of Maharashtra Government. The Society is functioning under the Skill Development Employment and Entrepreneurship Department Goverment of Maharashtra MSSDS invites sealed responses from training partners for “Selection of Training Providers/Training Centers For Skilling of Minority Population in Maharashtra Under Pramod Mahajan Kaushalya And Udyojakta Vikas
Abhiyaan (PMKUVA)”

The response to this EoI along with all required documents is to be submitted online on on or before 04/03/2021 by 05.30 PM. Incomplete responses or those not fulfilling the specified requirement shall not be considered. The responses will be released in the presence of the Committee appointed by SDEED (The Committee) and the authorized representative of the Applicants who wish to be present in the office of the MSSDS Document Proposal Processing Fee. All Applicants have to pay a non-refundable EOI Processing Fee of Rs 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) using any one of the payment mode NEFT / RTGS / Exemption (Details mentioned below)

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): All Applicants have to pay non refundable Earnest Money Deposit (non-interest bearing) of Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh Only) using the payment mode of NEFT / RTGS to Maharashtra State Skill Development Society and payment receipt must accompany with Technical Proposal
NEFT/RTGS: If Applicant opts for NEFT/RTGS, a challan a generated in this case. The challan contains beneficiary details towards which applicant has to make NEFT/ RTGS in his bank. The beneficiary details / chalan no. should be unique and specific to the EOI for the Applicant.

Technical Proposal that are not acompanied by the Processing Fee shall be rejected out right by MSSDS

The undersigned reserves the right to issue addendum/corrigendum or to accept or reject any or all proposal(s) or to cancel the whole of this EoI at any stage without assigning any reason thereof. For complete information, refer EOI document (Click Here to download)

Details of the concerned authority are:

Mission Coordinator
Maharashtra State Skill Development Society
1st Floor Elphinstone Technical High School Campus.
3, Mahapalika Marg Dhobi Talao Mumba- 400001
Phone No. 022-22625653
Email –

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