Vocational education will develop only when all citizens accept and value it: Suu Kyi, Myanmar Counselor said

State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi addresses the technical and vocational education and training forum in Nay Pyi Taw. Speaking to the technical and vocational education and training forum at MICC-2 in Nay Pyi Taw, she said: “I had a burning desire to develop vocational training. Education qualifies us to embrace and overcome challenges.

The development of national vocational education will promote living standards, according to State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi.

“Around the globe, the role of vocational education is increasing. Our country usually values university education rather than vocational training. Vocational education is regarded as second-class,” she said. “Graduates find it difficult to get jobs. This has gone on for years. We need to place special emphasis on creating jobs for graduates,” she added.

“Our educational standards are low but all citizens are urged to have big ambitions. We need to learn from countries with successful vocational education. It is very simple to judge whether vocational education is successful.

“Ideally the young will pick courses that suit their hobbies. There is no better educational system. A person whose job is also their hobby is the luckiest. The education ministry opens vocational training schools but parents regard them as second-rate and only use them if their children fail to get a university place. I value them. Vocational education will develop only when all citizens accept and value it,” Suu Kyi said.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.