MSDE’s Special Campaign 3.0 advances to transform workplace and operations

The Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is now in the third week of its groundbreaking initiative, Special Campaign 3.0. Launched on October 2, 2023, this innovative program is designed to optimize operations and enhance efficiency across national institutes, organizations, subordinate entities, and MSDE premises.

Special Campaign 3.0 is a comprehensive effort focused on effective space management and the creation of an improved workplace environment. This initiative represents a significant leap in maintaining high standards of cleanliness and operational excellence throughout the organization.

During the preparatory phase, MSDE set ambitious goals aimed at addressing pending matters and resolving outstanding issues within the campaign’s designated timeframe. The ministry is pleased to report substantial progress in these endeavors. This includes the resolution of public grievances, meticulous reviews of physical files, extensive cleanliness campaigns, and the reclamation of workspace up until October 20, 2023, as documented by the Ministry’s records.

MSDE, along with its subordinate entities, remains steadfast in its commitment to resolving all pending matters by the end of Special Campaign 3.0, underscoring its dedication to efficiency and accountability. Secretary Atul Kumar Tiwari personally reviewed the initiative’s progress with senior officers on October 6, 2023, and again on October 16, 2023. The officers are diligently working to meet the campaign’s targets, and they are supported by a vigilant team that monitors daily progress to ensure the successful realization of the campaign’s objectives.

The Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is committed to promoting a more efficient, effective, and accountable workplace. Special Campaign 3.0 is a testament to this commitment, and MSDE looks forward to delivering on its promise of transformation and progress.