Maharashtra’s Emergency Medical Services (MEMS) and Symbiosis stepped in for skill training of Delhi’s emergency staff

The Centralized Accident and Trauma Services (CATS) project was dwindling when they approached the Maharashtra’s Emergency Medical Services (MEMS). With manpower shortage, struggle in staff retention, technical challenges and ambulance maintenance, the project seemed to be headed nowhere. However, things changed drastically with MEMS stepping in to train Delhi’s emergency staff and providing them with technical assistance.

About outsourcing the emergency services from Maharashtra, a senior official from Delhi government, on condition of anonymity, said, “We had problems retaining staff and lacked well-maintained ambulances. Looking at the failing situation, the government floated a tender and Maharashtra’s 108 group won the bid. They will not only provide us with ambulances but manpower and train them as paramedics.”

The source also claimed that 100 more ambulances have been added to the fleet of existing 100 that were grounded with various snags.

The BVG group that runs 108 services is now providing manpower assistance, counseling and training to Delhi’s emergency medical services. Pune’s Symbiosis International University (SIU), too, has played a major role by providing certification course in emergency technicalities under Health Sector Skill Council (HSSC) by the ministry of skill development.

Delhi is the first state where such a course was provided after its launch this year. SIU is now looking forward to a similar collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir. The same course will be offered in the state and will be guided by the ministry of skill and development.

Dr Dyaneshwar Shelke, chief operating officer of MEMS, said, “We will be giving them technical assistance, training paramedics along with provision of doctors in emergency services. Anew designation — emergency medical technicians — will be created for such professionals. Moreover, the Symbiosis Institute has provided a special course in health skill management and counseling for the staff, in order to fulfill requirements of this newly created designation. The workshops and training for the Delhi staff are still on and services have been already doled out.”

Dr Rajeev Yeravdekar, dean of faculty at the Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences (SIHS) and SIU confirmed the launch of a certification course for paramedics who will be taught not only to counsel patients but handle technical details of ambulances.

“Delhi’s staff became the first batch to acquire certificates. They were trained on the Noida campus and now, we have been contacted by Jammu and Kashmir’s emergency medical services, to provide them with the same assistance and course. We have provided training to 605 medical technicians from Delhi,.” he said.

We will be giving technical assistance, training paramedics and provide doctors during emergencies. A new designation — emergency medical technicians — will be created for such professionals

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.