DUDA initiated to make Nagaland a skilled state, 570 youths trained in multidimensional skills

Tsiepama : 570-youths from Eastern Nagaland are all set to begin a new start with completion of three months capacity building training programme under Underdeveloped Area Programme during 2015-16.

The training programme was organized by Department of Underdeveloped Areas (DUDA) in association with Zynorique Initiatives Society.

In three-month time, the youths were trained on RCC construction, metal fabrication, painting, food processing, driving, hospitality, wood carving, electrification, basket making, food preservation and marketing, fast food management, eco friendly souvenir, catering management, etc.

Equipped with skills in different areas, the trained youth are looking towards a brighter future along with the machineries and cash incentive provided by the department. Besides, they will also become master trainer and train up others in their respective area of ability.

Addressing the valedictory function here today at Midway Resort (Eco village Tsiepama) along NH 29 here, Minister for Power, C Kipili Sangtam urged the youth to appropriately and dedicatedly make use of the skills they learnt at the training. He said self-employment and hard work is the need of the hour today to survive in this competitive world.

Minister for Rural Development & REPA, C L John exhorted that the department is always ready to assist the youth if they are committed to take up self-employment venture. He also urged upon the youth to acquire work culture degree while pointing out that one must maintain the principle of “Work & Eat” and “Eat & Work.”

N Thongwang Konyak, Advisor of DUDA & LMCP stated that the objective of the DUDA’s capacity building programme is to boost the economy of the state and to make Nagaland a skilled state. Therefore, the onus is on you to work hard and set your goals in line with your skills that you have received through this training programme,” he said.

DUDA Director K S Anden Konyak said the capacity building training programme aim to build the skill of the youth and enable them to find placement as well as to link them to market and make them employable.

DUDA Secretary Senti Ao informed that 570 youths were trained in 19 multi dimensional skills programmes. He urged upon the youths to efficiently take up self-employment activities, adding that the department will monitor the activities for three years in the respective areas.

Richard Belho of Zynorique Initiatives Society said the objective of this capacity building training programme is to generate self employment, to get job placement within Nagaland, target school dropouts and under-educated youths, target employment for girls, provide necessary market linkage, long term programme for genuine livelihood option.

Other objectives of the programme also include training of trainers; village to village training pogramme, indentifying and development of economic route and clusters, branding and positioning of village item/product, establishment of skill resource facility, development of retail outlets and consignment depots, development of cold storage chain, market linkage to metro cities, exposure tours for trainers and entrepreneurs, continuous skill up gradation and value addition training.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.