Ramanathapuram (Tamil Nadu) : The employment camp, jointly organized by the Department of Employment and Training and Ministry of Information Technology here on Saturday, drew good response with 118 companies, turning up to recruit people.
In all, 6,848 job seekers, including a large number of women from the district and neighboring districts attended the camp held at the Schwartz Higher Secondary School and 1,119 people received appointment orders from various companies as per their qualifications, an official release said. While 1,739 candidates registered their names with the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation for apprenticeship training, 650 aspirants benefited from the overseas employment corporation, availing details of employment opportunities in various foreign countries, it said.
Inaugurating the camp, Minister for Information Technology M. Manikandan said similar camps would be conducted in the district and efforts would be made to free the backward district from unemployment problem. Detailing the welfare measures implemented by the government, he said the government was also taking steps to address unemployment problem and enhance employment opportunities in various spheres. He said the State had attracted total investments of Rs 2.42 lakh crore at the Global Investors Meet (GIM), convened by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa in September last year and the investors have started setting up their units in the State. The Information Technology sector alone had attracted Rs 10,900 crore investments, he said adding this would create enormous employment opportunities for the educated unemployed youth in the State.
Collector S. Natarajan said till October end, a total of 1.46 lakh candidates, including 76,996 women have registered at the district employment exchange office. Stating that 118 companies from various parts of the State have taken part in the employment camp, he said the district administration would organize more such camps and create job opportunities to the educated youth. Local MP A. Anwar Raja, Paramakudi MLA S. Muthiah and Employment and Training Zonal Joint Directors R. Natarajan and D. John Bosko were present.
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.