Labour Minister P.T. Parmeshwar Naik said that a department for skill development and livelihood will start functioning soon to help unemployed youth get good placements, was proposed by CM Siddaramaiah after inaugurating a Mega Udyog Mela, organized under the Ballari District Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the district administration and the Karnataka Vocational Training and Skill Development Corporation (KVTSDC), on Saturday.
“As many as 146 mini and 43 mega udyog melas have been held which was attended by over 70,000 job aspirants and over 12,000 got placed”, he said and hoped that proposed department would benefit more youth. He also announced “his department had decided to establish Human Resource Centres in all districts to impart skill development training to unemployed youth. While encouraging the other initiatives as well during the Mega Udyog Mela, he also appreciated the participation of companies in the fair and urged youth to take the opportunity provided to them.
The chief guest K.C. Kondaiah, MLC, also lauded the initiative by the chamber and thanked the state government for extending financial assistance to the tune of INR 20 lakh for the programme.
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference to the information available online.