RFP invited to conduct Skill Gap Analysis for Haryana State


Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM) functions as a non-profit, independent, and autonomous organization for implementation of skill development programs in the State. The Mission has the following specific objectives:

  1. Increase employability of the youth and empower them to take part in the economic growth of Haryana and Country, through skill training in modern and market driven professions professional areas and monitoring its delivery, and thereby reducing unemployment, poverty, and socio-economic inequality.
  2. To provide skill training to the students passing out from schools, school dropouts, unemployed youth, informal sector workers, women, and other disadvantaged groups.
  3. To inspect & monitor the quality of training imparted.
  4. To map demand for skill sets in the market and formulate programs to meet such demand through high quality skill training.
  5. Develop self-employment opportunities and entrepreneurial skills for youth of Haryana.
  6. To act as a platform for job seekers and help in getting self-employment.
  7. To assist the State Government in formulating appropriate policy, legislation and/ or measures to fill the skill gap and constitute task forces for this purpose.
  8. To carry out or implement any other activities/ schemes which are beneficial to make the youth of the State of Haryana employable.
  9. Assist in creating an enabling environment to attract investment in professional and skill development sectors.
  10. To undertake the capacity building programs of various stakeholders working in the professional and skill development sector.
  11. To enter into any arrangement/ agreement with any person, company or association having similar objectives.

For the above, HSDM plans to engage a HARTRON empaneled consultancy agency to conduct skill gap analysis for the forthcoming next 10 years, focusing on providing skill gap projections majorly till 2030. It is recognized that the skill gap is the interplay of industry demand, supply through public, private & nonformal/ informal channels, labor force participation, aspiration, and employability of both new entrant and existing but unskilled/semiskilled workforce. Therefore, the proposed skill gap study would conduct in-depth research, analysis & inquiry into above mentioned areas.

The agency must have the capability to conduct skill gap analysis in accordance with the scope of work and have experience of research related work in government or private sector. In-house organizational capability to deliver quality output.

  • The firm has the responsibility to store all the data and relevant information of project and provide the same to HSDM on a weekly basis or as & when demanded.
  • The duration of the Engagement of agency for HSDM will be for a period of 06 months from the date of signing of the agreement. It is expected from the bidders to strictly adhere to the timelines and complete the assignment within stipulated timelines. However, the timelines may be extended if required as per circumstances and mutual agreement between the shortlisted bidder and client- HSDM. 

Objective of Skill Gap Study: The key objectives that this study aims to achieve are:

  • District-wise assessment of the available sector-specific skills and the required skills
  • To understand skill development ecosystem and the relevance of course curriculum in the current and future industrial scenarios
  • To identify government schemes on skill development and their awareness among the various business entities
  • To identify the startup potential and self-employment opportunities in Haryana
  • To assess and identify steps that can be taken to bridge the current and future skill gap.
  • To provide sector-wise job role wise skill gap in 22 districts of Haryana
  • To identify the requirement of jobs in emerging sectors and areas
  • To evaluate the need and impact of online training and physical training in skill development

Scope of Work:

The scope of work of both the studies shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following:

  1. Socio-economic Profile: Detailed analysis of demographic and socio economic factors such as population, population growth trends, population density, urbanization, overall literacy, female literacy, healthcare indices, school education, higher/vocational education, dropout rates, domestic product, per capita income, labour force participation, worker participation rate, migration, primary (Agriculture and Agri allied), secondary (Industries and manufacturing) & tertiary sector (Services) profiles of the concerned district.
  2. Sectoral Focus: The study should focus on analysing manpower skilling requirements both for manufacturing and service sectors from the perspective of district level high growth sectors such as industrialization and technology, along with localized sectors that have potential at the district level. Study will also document about the sector wise deficiency and demand in various skills in the next five to seven years. Government policies of related sectors may also be studied, specially focusing on data from Industries and Commerce department and Employment Department to understand thrust and growth targets for different sectors in the state, which would translate to priority sectors from the perspective of investment in manpower skilling as well.
  3. Opinion of Stakeholders: Detailed interaction should be conducted with various stakeholders, such as youth, vulnerable section of society, Industry bodies like FICCI, CII etc, Industry Partners and Private Skill Training Providers, Government Departments with Skill Training mandate and Industry Players/ Industry Associations, Department of School Education and Higher Education, Department of Industries, Industry Clusters, Technical Education, Department of Employment Generation and Training and any other Department providing Skill Training, to understand their perspectives on manpower training and placement.
  4. Manpower Supply Demand Gap: Manpower supply-demand gap would be the difference between projected workforce participation and industrial manpower requirements, estimated till 2030.
  5. Skill Set Mapping – Besides identifying the skills available in state and industry demand for the existing job roles, the study would identify the traditional and emerging job roles which are not identified in the Sector Skill Councils (SSC) job roles list. The recommendation will focus on understanding the manpower gaps in district across the sectors and ways to bridge the gap.
  6. Migration Issues: Migration, internal within the state, outside the state and outside the country, is one of the characteristics of new age labour mobile economy. Within this context, it is important to identify and understand various migration patterns. The knowledge of this would be important to design suitable skill development opportunities and post-employment support to the migratory workers.
  7. Candidate aspiration mapping: To understand the aspiration of the candidates belonging to rural in terms of expected remuneration, Job location, post placement facilities and other suitable payments and perks; the agency/s should conduct aspiration mapping for the prospective candidates who may be enrolled under the DDU-GKY Scheme.

Analysis and Recommendation: The analysis and recommendation should include but not necessarily, limited to following areas.

  1. Suggest suitable interventions / recommendations to address the skills gap.
  2. Sector-wise gap in skills – demand vs. supply (qualitative and quantitative).
  3. List out in demand job roles by sector, sub-sector including National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) level at district, considering the urban, sub urban and rural bifurcations.
  4. Changes required for training as per the industry expectations with respect to infrastructure and training methodology.
  5. Need for developing or upgrading available educational/ training infrastructure and other training inputs such as tools & equipment, curriculum, teaching/ training methodology etc. keeping in mind the futuristic skills requirements both for existing skilling courses and recommended courses.
  6. Recommendation regarding skill development and support for the mobile/ migratory workers.
  7. The study should also recommend the job roles in which training can be imparted to the special categories such as Person with Disability (PwD), Transgenders, and other vulnerable groups.
  8. Study should list out different mobilization initiatives as per the respective districts so that participation of the youths towards the skill development schemes can be maximized.
  9. The Field Level survey conducted by the Agency should be documented with necessary photos and tabulations.

Earnest Money Deposit: INR 2,00,000

Last Date For Submission: 25 April 2024, 05:00 PM IST

Revised Last Date For Submission: 03 July 2024, 05:00 PM IST