World Bank chosen Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania to empower for capacity building of TVET institutions

Ethiopia : World Bank (WB) has chosen Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania for the implementation of capacity building programmes in Technical, Vocational Education & Training (TVET) institutions, which will be focused on improving the quality and accessibility of TVET education in the countries, as well as sharing their experiences among the regions.

The focus areas of the project are energy, transport, agro-processing, manufacturing and information technology.

The project will be implemented in 15 TVET institutions selected to be centres of excellence in the three countries, according to Xiaoyan Liang, the project coordinator.

Strengthening the capacity of the institutions and promoting interrelationship among countries in the region by supporting the TVET graduates to integrate with industries and designing market-oriented and competitive programmes is a key task of the programme, according to Xiaoyan.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.