Karnataka Department of Skill Development joined hands with NSDC, launched Green Skills Academy

Bengaluru : Green Skills Academy has been launched here in association with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to train 24,000 people in the next seven years in skills in areas, including renewable energy, waste water treatment and green construction.

The Academy, an initiative of city based non-profit organization Centre for Sustainable Development, would also cover solid waste management and climate resilient cities under the programme.

CSD Chairman A Ravindra said the Academy was an effort to train the youth for the future where environmental issues would be an important aspect of development.

The Academy was launched by Karnataka Chief Secretary Subhash Khuntia, MP K C Ramamurthy and Tejaswini Ananth Kumar, who heads “Adamya Chetana” organization which runs several social welfare projects.

The launch of the Academy was part of the ongoing two-day National Green Skills Conference, 2017, being hosted by CSD here, in partnership with the Karnataka Department of Skill Development and NSDC, a CSD release said.

Khuntia said the Karnataka government is committed to train five lakh youth and “Kaushalya Karnataka” project in this regard had already been initiated.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.